Job Supports and Accommodations
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Common Types of Accommodation
You’ve learned something about when and how to request a reasonable accommodation. Before you actually talk to your employer about getting an accommodation, it can help to learn more about what types of accommodations exist.
Equipment provided to the employee is best when it is “universally designed.” The use of Universal Design equipment ensures that its manufacturer made an extra effort to guarantee that people with diverse abilities can use it.
However, it isn’t always possible to buy universally designed equipment. Many types of new technology are designed without considering people with disabilities. The oversight can create unnecessary barriers. In other situations, even if a product has been universally designed, depending on a person’s disability, they may still need a reasonable accommodation in order to perform their work.
Assistive Technology
Employers may offer a type of accommodation called Assistive Technology (AT). AT includes technology and devices that enable people with disabilities to perform tasks that they would otherwise be unable to accomplish, or would have difficulty accomplishing.
AT covers a wide range of technologies and equipment, including adaptive computer software and hardware, ergonomic and more accessible workspaces, and adaptive safety equipment. Here are some examples of AT that could be used as reasonable accommodations.
- Computer screen-reading software for employees who are blind or have dyslexia
- Adaptive computer equipment that allows people to control a computer's mouse with their head, feet, or eyes.
- Electronic organizers for people with traumatic brain injury or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Assistive listening devices (ALDs) for employees with hearing loss
- Adjustable height roll-in desks for wheelchair users and for those who need to stand for parts of their work day versus sitting all day
Accessing Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology in Arizona (ATAZ) is an educational website for and about assistive technology in Arizona. This project collects up-to-date information for users and professionals in the field. It focuses on AT and the workplace to provide information for questions such as:
- What is Assistive Technology?
- Who are the specialists?
- Where are the service sites?
Where are accessible sites to:
- Try equipment
- Search for employment, and
- Talk to people who know?
If you visit an ARIZONA@WORK One-Stop Job Center, you can ask about and try out the assistive technology the Center has to access Center services and resources. Centers are equipped with computer software and AT equipment to help people who are blind, visually impaired, or who have other physical impairments. These services can help you with a range of job planning activities.
Assistive Technology and Arizona Veterans
The Department of Veterans Affairs offers funding for AT for veterans with disabilities who are eligible. However, it might be best to start checking locally with the AZ Department of Economic Security Programs for Veterans. This Arizona-wide service will assist veterans, reservists and National Guard members to secure employment. Get more DB101 information about resources that can help veterans with employment.
Assistive Technology Funding
Usually, your employer will be responsible for paying for and providing assistive technology services that you need to perform your job or satisfy your job standards. However, sometimes people need or want AT that would be too costly for an employer. Alternatively, some people want to be able to keep their AT if they switch employers, because it is specially designed to fit their needs.
In cases where the employer does not pay for AT, you can explore other options from government resources or private grants.
Here are some funding alternatives for AT:
- AHCCCS helps pay medical expenses for people with disabilities, including Assistive Technology (AT). For AT to be paid for by AHCCCS, the device must be for a medical condition and be prescribed by a physician.
- The Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration (AZRSA) can fund AT to help a person with a disability find, get, and keep their employment. You must meet their eligibility rules in order to get these services.
- Workers’ Compensation often pays for AT for people with work-related injuries.
- PASS (Plan to Achieve Self-Support) is a program offered by the Social Security Administration for people who get SSI or SSDI. Through PASS, it is possible to save up money for AT without losing eligibility for benefits.
Resources to Learn More about Assistive Technology
- Accessible Technology for All has workplace and assistive technology resource guides.
- Closing the Gap provides professionals, parents, and consumers with information and training to best locate, compare, and implement assistive technology into the lives of persons with disabilities.
- The Arizona Technology Access Program (AzTAP) is a Phoenix-based program with Northern Arizona University's Institute for Human Development. AzTAP is a federally-funded state resource that provides a number of free and low-cost support services to assist Arizona consumers, their families, and rehabilitation professionals with learning about, selecting, and obtaining Assistive Technology (AT) of all forms.
Specific Technology Resources
- Microsoft has a webpage dedicated to describing accessibility options in its products.
- The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) can help you find organizations that sell mobility equipment.
Personal Assistance Services (PAS)
Personal Assistance Services (PAS) are services that another person offers to a person with a disability that assist with activities of daily living. These services can include help with:
- Home activities, such as bathing, dressing, cooking, personal hygiene, and remembering things
- Community activities, such as shopping, going to the doctor, and help getting around
- Work activities, such as reading, sign-language interpretation, and lifting or reaching
To learn more about PAS, read DB101’s PAS article.
Personal Care Assistance Program
Most people either pay for Personal Assistance Services on their own or with support from the Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS). In order to have ALTCS pay for PAS, you must have a disability that requires a nursing home level of care to meet your medical and physical needs. The program is often seen as an alternative to assisted living or nursing homes. For example, if they determine that you can live in your own home safely, and to do that you need someone to help you with getting up and bathing in the morning, you may qualify to have ALTCS pay for your personal assistant. To learn more about PAS and ALTCS, read DB101’s PAS article.
ALTCS has other eligibility rules including financial limits. If you don’t meet the financial limits (having $2,000 or less in available cash or assets) because of your income through paid work, you still may be eligible for PAS as part of the AHCCCS Freedom to Work program. To find out more, read the DB101 article on Freedom to Work.
This program does not offer personal assistance at work as a substitute for a reasonable accommodation that should be provided by the employer. However, depending on a person’s disability, it may be a reasonable accommodation by the employer to allow the personal care assistant to come to the workplace to give assistance for personal needs that are not related to job duties, such as help with lunch preparation and personal hygiene. If you do require these types of assistance at your workplace, it is important to disclose that to your employer and discuss your needs.
To find out if you are eligible for ALTCS, contact an ALTCS office.
Workplace Personal Assistance Services
You can use workplace Personal Assistance Services (PAS) to help you perform the essential duties of your job. If you need PAS services, they may be considered a reasonable accommodation under the ADA and the employer would have the responsibility to offer PAS services if you request them.
Here are some forms of workplace PAS that can be used as a reasonable accommodation:
During the Hiring Process
- Sign-language interpreter during the interview for someone who is deaf
- A reader for the employment exam for someone who has a visual impairment
- A personal assistant for someone who has limited use of their arms to fill out an application for employers that require filling out the application on site
During Employment
- Filing duties, retrieving work materials that are heavy or out of reach, or performing other nonessential manual tasks
- Assistance with business-related travel for an individual with a mobility or visual impairment
- Reading to people who are blind
Funding for Workplace PAS
Workplace PAS are often funded by an employer when they are considered a reasonable accommodation. Additional funding may also be available from the following sources:
- The Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration (AZRSA)
- The Department of Veterans Affairs
- Workers' compensation coverage
Resources on Workplace Personal Assistant Services
- The Job Accommodation Network's Accommodation and Compliance Series answers a series of common questions about workplace Personal Assistance Services and provides links to numerous PAS resources.
- Virginia Commonwealth University’s Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Workplace Supports and Job Retention has a Personal Assistance in the Workplace: A Customer-Directed Guide Manual.
Learn more
Know Your Rights and Responsibilities
Understand the key laws that protect you from discrimination.
Programs That Support Work
Learn about programs that can help you prepare for and find work.
PASS helps people who can get SSI save money for a work-related goal.
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1-866-304-WORK (9675)
A Work Incentive Consultant is a trained expert who can help you understand Social Security work incentives, disability benefit programs, and how they are impacted by work. Their goal is to help you transition to work and make a sustainable financial plan for your future.
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