AHCCCS Freedom to Work

The Basics

Many people with disabilities fear that if they return to work and start earning more money, they’ll lose their AHCCCS coverage. AHCCCS Freedom to Work means that you don’t have to be afraid. With AHCCCS Freedom to Work, if you have a disability and work, you can earn more income and keep your AHCCCS coverage. AHCCCS Freedom to Work pays for the same services that standard AHCCCS covers, including visits to the doctor, hospital stays, medical equipment, home care services, and mental health services.

To qualify for AHCCCS Freedom to Work,you must be a U.S. citizen or qualifying noncitizen aged 16 – 64, determined blind or disabled, working, and have $6,606 or less in monthly earned income. You may have to pay a small monthly premium of $35 or less.

This article will help you understand:

  • If AHCCCS Freedom to Work is right for you
  • Different ways you may qualify for AHCCCS if you have a disability
  • What services it covers
  • How much you will have to pay, and
  • How to sign up.

If, after reading this article, you need more help in understanding AHCCCS Freedom to Work, we recommend you talk to trained experts who can help you. Here are some good resources:

  • Call the AHCCCS Freedom to Work office at 1-855-432-7587 or 1-602-417-5010.
  • Get local help from HealthCare.gov.
  • If you have a disability, talk to a Work Incentive Consultant to learn more about health programs for people with disabilities.
  • If your disability does not qualify you for AHCCCS Freedom to Work, you may be able to qualify for AHCCCS through other rules that have no disability requirement.
  • If your income goes up and you no longer qualify for AHCCCS Freedom to Work, you may be able to get government help paying for a private insurance plan on HealthCare.gov.
  • You pay a monthly premium that is based on how much income you have.
  • You can get it and Medicare at the same time, if you qualify.

Note: DB101 keeps track of changes to health coverage and related laws. DB101 has been and will continue to be updated to reflect any changes. For news related to health coverage, visit the Kaiser Family Foundation.

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