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Finding a Job
Finding a job takes hard work and perseverance. You have to be patient. Here we will discuss some of the ways that you can look for a job.
Talk to People
The most common way to find a job is by talking to people. Talk to your friends, family, professors, and other people you know. Let them know that you are looking for work and what type of job you want. Ask them to let you know if they hear about an opportunity.
If you know somebody who has a good job, see if that person knows about job openings at his or her workplace. If you like a company or organization and want to work there, contact them! Even if they don’t have any job openings, you may be able to arrange an informational interview where you can learn more about the type of work they do and the best way to find a job in that field.
Job Listings
In addition to talking to people, there are also numerous websites that can help you find work. One simple way to look for work online is to simply search for “job listings” on an Internet search engine. Your search results will include links to many of the websites that specialize in jobs in your area.
A particularly good website for Arizonans with disabilities is the Arizona Job Connection.
Job Programs
It can be difficult looking for and finding a job if you think you have to do it all on your own. Fortunately, there are some excellent organizations that can help.
- One-Stop Job Centers provide the tools, resources, and services you need for your employment, training, and other work-related needs.
- ARIZONA@WORK is a statewide public and private partnership with a network of 47 local offices in 12 regional areas that helps employers and job seekers connect. Its free services and resources can help you find work.
- The Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration, Vocational Rehabilitation department can help you prepare for, find, and keep a job. To be eligible, you must have a physical or mental disability that makes it difficult for you to prepare for, get, or keep work.
- The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Youth Program is a program that helps some young people ages 14 – 21 find employment. Many, but not all, young people with disabilities qualify for this program.
Ticket to Work Program
If you are over the age of 18 and receive disability benefits from Social Security, the Ticket to Work Program can help you learn about job options and maybe give working a try. It helps you find a job and see if you like it without losing your health coverage benefits. If your disability gets worse and you need to stop working, you can easily get back on cash benefits.
Ticket to Work can help you:
- Figure out what sort of job you would be successful at
- Get training
- Find work
- Receive job coaching
- Get continuing support once you get a job to help you be successful
To participate, you need to contact an agency that provides Ticket to Work services. A couple of examples are Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration, Vocational Rehabilitation program and One-Stop Job Centers. To learn more, see DB101’s article about the Ticket Program.
Customized Employment
Traditionally, individuals need to look for jobs that they are qualified for, apply for them in competition with others, and then perform the tasks that they are assigned. Customized employment approaches finding work from a different perspective. In customized employment, an organization or a person, like a vocational rehabilitation counselor, helps create a connection between an individual and a potential employer or employers. The counselor then helps the individual and the employer figure out what sort of work the individual could best do at the place of employment. Talk to your vocational rehabilitation counselor to learn more.
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Start Planning Now
Learn about new challenges and opportunities as you become an adult.
Getting a Higher Education
Learn about education options, your rights, ways to pay for school, and more.
Things you should know about working with a disability.
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Ask an Arizona Work Incentive Consultant your questions about work and benefits.
1-866-304-WORK (9675)
A Work Incentive Consultant is a trained expert who can help you understand Social Security work incentives, disability benefit programs, and how they are impacted by work. Their goal is to help you transition to work and make a sustainable financial plan for your future.
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