Programs that Support Work
- The Basics
- Ticket to Work Program
- Other Work Incentives
- Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration
- One-Stop Job Centers
- Next Steps
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Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration
The Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration (AZRSA) can supply you with vocational counseling, job skills training, adjustment to disability assistance, work experience, and job placement services. They can help you get the training or other services that you need to return to work, to enter a new line of work, or to enter the workforce for the first time. Together, these services are called “vocational rehabilitation” (VR).
The services you get through AZRSA’s vocational rehabilitation program are carefully chosen in cooperation with you to match your individual needs. You and your VR counselor will work closely together to set goals and to develop a plan to help you reach your goals.
Eligibility for VR through the Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration is based on whether you have a disability that makes it difficult to prepare for, get, or keep work and whether you are able to benefit from vocational rehabilitation services.
If you are a Ticket to Work recipient or are eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you likely have all of the documentation needed to quickly be found eligible for vocational rehabilitation services.
The AZRSA vocational rehabilitation program is offered at no cost if you are a Ticket to Work recipient or if you are eligible for SSI or SSDI based on your own disability.
If you are not in the Ticket to Work program and are not eligible for SSI or SSDI, many services will be supplied at no cost to you, but some may have a small fee, depending on your financial need.
To apply for services, call or visit a vocational rehabilitation office near you.
You can also be referred by a program that has an existing relationship with AZRSA, such as a high school counselor, the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), a behavioral health clinic, or a local ARIZONA@WORK One-Stop Job Center.
If you have questions about how to apply, please visit the Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration’s website.
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Benefits and Work Calculator
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Going to Work Toolbox
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1-866-304-WORK (9675)
A Work Incentive Consultant is a trained expert who can help you understand Social Security work incentives, disability benefit programs, and how they are impacted by work. Their goal is to help you transition to work and make a sustainable financial plan for your future.
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