Cash Assistance (CA)

The Basics

Cash Assistance (CA) is Arizona’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. It helps families work their way out of poverty by giving them money to help pay for basic needs like food, clothing, and rent while also giving them a job support and training program.

In order to qualify for CA, your family must have low income and few assets. If you qualify, you’ll be required to participate in a free jobs program while receiving cash benefits.

This article will explain how you qualify for CA and will give you more information about the benefits it provides.

Tribal TANF Programs

The federal law that created the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program allowed American Indian tribes to establish their own programs in addition to state TANF programs such as Cash Assistance. In order to qualify for these programs, you must have your enrollment in the tribe verified. Note that you cannot get Cash Assistance and tribal TANF benefits at the same time.

The following tribal TANF programs operate in Arizona:

  • Hopi Tribal TANF (HP-TANF)
  • Navajo Nation Program for Self Reliance (NNPSR)
  • Pascua Yaqui TANF (PY-TANF)
  • Salt River TANF (SA-TANF)
  • San Carlos Apache Nnee Bicho'Nii TANF (SC-TANF)
  • White Mountain Apache TANF (WMAT-TANF)

The rules for these programs are different from the rules for Cash Assistance. If you are a member of a tribe that has its own TANF program, learn more about it by contacting the program directly.

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