Frequently Asked Questions

No. AHCCCS has no resource limit.

Yes. If your family’s income is low enough for you to qualify for AHCCCS, you may do so even if your job offers insurance.

Note: If your job offers you affordable insurance, you cannot get subsidies for purchasing an individual health plan through HealthCare.gov.

No. AHCCCS is available to many people. To get AHCCCS, most people must:

  • Be under 65 years old
    • You can be 65 or older if you are the parent or caretaker of a child
  • Not be eligible for Medicare
    • You can be on Medicare if you are the parent or caretaker of a child or are pregnant
  • Be a U.S. citizen or meet specific noncitizen requirements, and
  • Have income below certain limits

There are additional ways to get AHCCCS if you have a disability or are a senior. When you apply for AHCCCS, the person reviewing your application will figure out which type of AHCCCS is best for you.

Note: Some people who do not qualify for most AHCCCS benefits, such as undocumented immigrants, may qualify for coverage in emergencies only.

You and your family can usually get AHCCCS if your family’s income is at or below 138% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) ($21,597 for an individual in 2025, $44,367 for a family of four). Children 18 years old or young can get AHCCCS KidsCare coverage if their family's income is 230% of FPG or less ($73,945 per year or less for a family of four).

You may see the income limit for AHCCCS listed as 133% of FPL in some places. However, when AHCCCS counts your income, they’ll knock 5% of FPL off your income if you make more than 133% of FPL. That's why we show the limit as 138% of FPL, because it more accurately shows how much you could make and still get AHCCCS.

Income-based AHCCCS counts most types of earned and unearned income you have. However, some income is not counted, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and some contributions to retirement accounts. Learn more about what types of income affect income-based AHCCCS eligibility.

Note: The income limits may be different if you have a disability. Read DB101’s article about AHCCCS for People with Disabilities.

Health Coverage Income Limits for Your Family

If you make more than the income limit for AHCCCS, the government may help you pay for a private insurance plan though HealthCare.gov. This option is only available if you can’t get affordable health coverage through your job.

You can read more about this option in DB101’s article about Buying Coverage on HealthCare.gov.

Note: If you get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or used to and now are on SSI 1619(b), you automatically get AHCCCS coverage. You do not need to apply for AHCCCS.

Health-e-Arizona is the easiest way to apply for AHCCCS if you think you might qualify. Health-e-Arizona also lets you apply for other benefits, like Nutrition Assistance (formerly Food Stamps), at the same time.

HealthCare.gov is a good option if you don’t think you will qualify for AHCCCS, because it will also check and see if you can get private coverage with subsidies.

The bottom line: Both systems will help you find the benefits you need. The big difference is that, depending on your situation, one might be a bit faster than the other.

In most cases, no. The actual medical coverage you get from AHCCCS will be the same, no matter how you qualified. Generally speaking, the big difference is that people with disabilities get extra ways to qualify and if you have a disability and start working, you can earn more while still getting AHCCCS coverage.

DB101 has four articles about different ways to get AHCCCS:

If you are not sure how you qualified for AHCCCS, you can ask your local DES/Family Assistance Administration office.

  • Undocumented immigrants do not qualify for full AHCCCS coverage, but they may qualify for AHCCCS coverage for emergency services.
  • Most immigrants who have been legal residents for less than 5 years do not qualify for full AHCCCS coverage. However, they may qualify to get private coverage subsidized by the government.
  • Immigrants who have been legal residents for 5 years or longer and some other noncitizens who meet specific noncitizen requirements qualify for all of the same programs that citizens can get.

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