Parent Focus: Work is Possible

Next Steps

Connect with People Who Can Help

Talk to people and organizations who can help your child take the next steps to find work. Here are some options:

Learn More About How Benefits Support Work

Talk to a Work Incentive Consultant to learn more about options and discover other helpful resources.

Use DB101’s School and Work Estimator to get a sense of how work could impact your child’s benefits.

For more about benefits programs and their rules, read DB101’s articles about:

Benefits and Work Incentives Consulting Services

If you're currently on SSI, SSDI, or CDB benefits, and you're looking for a job, you should qualify for free benefits consulting services. Trained Work Incentive Counsultants at Benefits 2 Work Arizona can help you understand Social Security work incentives, disability benefit programs, and how they are impacted by work. Their goal is to help you avoid complications while developing a sustainable financial plan for your future.

You can contact Benefits 2 Work Arizona at 1-866-304-WORK (9675) toll-free to find a Work Incentive Consultant serving your community.

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