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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get help applying for a PASS?

Yes. Social Security's PASS Cadres are experts in the PASS program. One of their jobs is to help people develop their PASS plans and successfully apply for the program.
To contact the Phoenix PASS Cadre, which serves all of Arizona, call them at 1-866-331-4359 ext 12887.
Who is eligible for a PASS?

To be eligible to start a PASS, you must:
- Want to work
- Be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) because of disability or blindness
- Have income or resources (aside from SSI) to complete a work goal
Can setting up a PASS help me keep my SSI benefits if I’m working?

Yes. Setting aside funds in a PASS can be an excellent way to lower your monthly countable income, which lets you keep and raise your SSI benefits.
What can I use a PASS for?

What do I have to do to participate in a PASS?

To participate in a PASS, you must have:
- A written plan: Your PASS application must be signed by you and, if applicable, by your representative payee
- A work goal
- A reasonable time frame and a spending plan for meeting your work goal
- An explanation of the expenses necessary to achieve your work goal
- Show what income (other than your SSI benefits) and resources you will use to reach your work goal
If your PASS plan has a self-employment work goal, you must also give a detailed business plan that describes how you intend to make your business succeed.
Your plan must be in writing. Social Security prefers that you use form SSA-545-BK, which is available on the Social Security website. You can get copies of this form at your local Social Security office or from a PASS specialist.
Are there any medical eligibility requirements to enroll in a PASS?

Yes. To use a PASS, you must continue to meet Social Security’s requirements for disability or blindness. Also, your medical condition must not prevent you from achieving your work goal.
For example, if you have difficulty standing for long periods of time and you list your work goal as becoming a traffic officer, Social Security may ask you to change that goal before they’ll approve your PASS.
Does the money I have in the bank and what I own affect my eligibility for a PASS?

Yes. To be eligible for a PASS, you must be eligible for SSI. And to be eligible for SSI, you cannot have more than $2,000 in resources ($3,000 for a couple). Certain resources are excluded, however, including the house you live in and the car you drive to work or medical appointments.
If you have resources above the resource limit that SSI allows, you can put your excess resources in your PASS plan and qualify for SSI when you would not otherwise have been eligible. Say, for example, you have $10,000 in countable resources. You could move $8,500 into your PASS plan, which would reduce your countable resources to $1,500, which in turn would put you under the SSI resource limit.
How long does it take Social Security to process my PASS application?

If you turn in all your documents and give all the information requested, Social Security should be able to process your application and let you know within 1 to 3 weeks (self-employment plans may take a little longer) if your PASS application has been approved.
Can I qualify for a PASS while I am eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)?

Can I qualify for a PASS if I'm on Section 8?

Yes. You can qualify for both PASS and Section 8. The additional resources that you save in your PASS will not affect your eligibility for Section 8 housing benefits. You may, however, need to give your housing worker a letter from your PASS Cadre that explains this exclusion.
Does working have an effect on a PASS?

Yes. If you work, you may be able to set aside more money for your work goal. The money you earn that is put into a PASS is not counted as income, so you can continue working and getting Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Where can I find examples of successful PASS plans?

The University of Montana Rural Institute's List of Successful PASS Plans is an excellent resource.
Learn more
Benefits and Work Calculator
Got a work plan? See how it would help your situation.
AHCCCS Freedom to Work Calculator
Worried about losing AHCCCS? See how AHCCCS Freedom to Work can help you.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
SSI helps people with disabilities and seniors who have low income and resources.
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1-866-304-WORK (9675)
A Work Incentive Consultant is a trained expert who can help you understand Social Security work incentives, disability benefit programs, and how they are impacted by work. Their goal is to help you transition to work and make a sustainable financial plan for your future.
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