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Common Pitfalls
Not understanding the expenses involved with Medicare
When making decisions about Medicare, make sure you understand its costs, which can include:
- Premiums, a monthly amount that has to be paid whether or not you use medical services. Medicare premiums may be deducted directly from your Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Social Security retirement benefits.
- Copayments, a set amount you have to pay for a medical visit or service. The exact amount of the copayment depends on the service you get: Medications, visits to specialists, lab tests, X-rays, emergency room visits, and other services can all have different copayment amounts.
- Co-insurance, a set percentage of the cost of a visit or service that you must pay.
- A deductible, a set amount of money that you pay out of your own pocket each year before Medicare begins to pay for certain expenses. Once you have paid the deductible, you do not have to pay it again until the next calendar year.
Opting out of Part B and Part D without checking if you'll have to pay penalties later
For most people who get Original Medicare, Part B has a $185.00 monthly premium (it could be a bit less; the amount depends on your situation) and Part D prescription drug coverage also has a premium (the amount depends on the Part D plan).
You may want to opt out of Part B and Part D to save money on monthly premiums, especially if you have other coverage and don’t think you need the sorts of medical services and prescription drugs they cover. However, if you decide you don’t want Parts B and D and you change your mind later, you might have to pay large penalties.
You should only think about opting out of Part B or D if you have other coverage that covers the same types of things that Parts B and D cover:
- For Part B, that means you should have an employer-sponsored insurance policy. If you do, make sure to check with your employer or insurer whether it's safe for you to opt out of Part B.
- For Part D, that means you should have creditable coverage. Creditable coverage means that your prescription drug coverage is as good as Part D. Not all plans are considered creditable by Medicare; you have to check with the plan administrator.
Even if you have other coverage, it might still make sense to keep Parts B and D if you also qualify for AHCCCS, a Medicare Savings Program, or the Part D Low Income Subsidy (also called Extra Help). They may help you pay for Part B and Part D and so your overall coverage is better.
Not applying for a Medicare Savings Program and the Low Income Subsidy (Extra Help)
Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) help people with low income pay Medicare premiums. Depending on the MSP, it may also help with other expenses, such as copayments, co-insurance, and deductibles.
- For people with Original Medicare, MSPs can help with Parts A and B.
- MSPs can help with any Medicare Advantage plan.
The Low Income Subsidy (LIS), often called Extra Help, helps people with low income and low resources pay premiums, copayments, co-insurance, and deductibles for Medicare prescription drug coverage:
- For people with Original Medicare, the LIS can help with Part D plan expenses.
- The LIS can help with Medicare Advantage plans that include prescription drug coverage, sometimes called MA-PD plans.
You may qualify for an MSP or the Low Income subsidy and not know. Many people who qualify for them never apply. Even if you think you won’t qualify, make sure to apply! They can be a big help. Note: If you have both AHCCCS and Medicare coverage, you may automatically get help from an MSP and the LIS.
If you have any questions about Medicare Savings Programs and the LIS, call the Arizona State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) at 1-800-432-4040.
Learn more about getting help paying for Medicare and how to apply for it.
Not seeing how your other health coverage interacts with Medicare
If you have more than one type of coverage, one coverage may pay for costs that your other coverage doesn't pay for, meaning you have to pay less out of your own pocket.
Other types of coverage that you can have with Medicare include:
- AHCCCS Freedom to Work
- Employer-sponsored coverage
- Continued coverage from a former employer through COBRA
- Retirement plans
- Veterans (VA) benefits
- Military (TriCare for Life) benefits, or
- Individual health insurance.
Learn more about how Medicare interacts with other types of coverage.
Learn more
AHCCCS for People with Disabilities
There are more ways to qualify for AHCCCS if you have a disability.
AHCCCS Freedom to Work
AHCCCS Freedom to Work is AHCCCS for people with disabilities who work.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
SSI helps people with disabilities and seniors who have low income and resources.
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