Arizona Glossary Items
Rules that allow Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients to keep their SSI benefit at a lower level when they return to work.
A rule that lets people who stop getting Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits due to work income keep their AHCCCS health coverage while earning up to $56,455 per year. 1619(b) also makes it easier to get SSI benefits started up again if your countable income goes below SSI's income limit. For 1619(b), you must continue to meet other SSI eligibility rules, such as the resource limit.
Note: If your earnings are over this limit and you have high medical expenses, you might still qualify for 1619(b). Ask your local Social Security office about the 1619(b) Individualized Earnings Threshold.
Health coverage offered by your employer that:
- Would cost you, for your policy alone, less than 9.02% of your income for the monthly premium, and
- Meets a certain benefits standard.
If you have an option that meets these standards, you cannot qualify for government subsidies to get private insurance on If your income is low enough, you may still qualify for AHCCCS.
For benefits eligibility, a person who is recognized as an American Indian by a federally recognized tribe, or is recognized by the United States as an Indian and has a Certificate Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. For a list of the federally recognized tribes, check the U.S. Department of the Interior Indian Affairs website.
A request to have a third party review an agency’s decision. Requests may be verbal or written. Typically, appeals are requested when benefits, services, or treatments are denied, stopped, or reduced.
State agency that enforces civil rights laws, raises public awareness of civil rights, offers services to resolve disagreements, and offers community services throughout Arizona. Learn more about ACRD.
AHCCCS is Arizona's Medicaid program. AHCCCS is a state-run health care program that pays medical expenses for people who are disabled, young, elderly, poor, or pregnant. If you meet program requirements, AHCCCS will help pay for a variety of medical services including visits to the doctor, hospital stays, medical equipment, home care services, and prescription drugs. You can apply for AHCCCS online.
A person who is currently living in Arizona with the intention of remaining in the state permanently or for an indefinite time period. Or a person who is currently living in Arizona to obtain or pursue employment or who entered Arizona with a job commitment.
The Arizona Work Incentive Information Network (WIIN) is committed to ensure that individuals with disabilities and their families have the information, services and supports they need to make decisions about employment and make the transition from dependence on public benefits to financial self-sufficiency.
WIIN shares daily business practices with network partners, which promote and support employment. By sharing a unified, accurate message that empowers people with disabilities to explore employment options, WIIN helps people with disabilities move out of poverty and make informed decisions about employment.
You can contact WIIN at 1-866-304-WORK (9675).
ARIZONA@WORK is a public and private partnership with a network of 47 local offices in 12 regional areas that helps employers and job seekers connect.
ARIZONA@WORK helps employers of all sizes and types recruit, develop, and retain the best employees for their needs. ARIZONA@WORK helps job seekers throughout the state with services and resources that help with the pursuit of employment opportunities. Through the support of federal funding, ARIZONA@WORK services are provided at no charge.
A way of automatically qualifying for a benefit because you are in a specific situation. With categorical eligibility, it does not matter whether you meet other program requirements. Categorical eligibility is a common way people qualify for Nutrition Assistance (formerly Food Stamps).
- If you get TANF Cash Assistance or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, you automatically qualify to get Nutrition Assistance. It doesn't matter if you meet other program requirements.
- If you receive non-cash services or benefits funded by TANF Cash Assistance or other low-income programs, you may automatically qualify for Nutrition Assistance. It doesn't matter if you meet other program requirements.
A Center for Independent Living is a community-based organization that provides programs and services for people with all types of disabilities and their families. The goal of a Center for Independent Living is to support people with disabilities in full participation in their community.
The majority of the staff at a Center for Independent Living is usually living with a disability, so they can provide real-world peer support. To find a Center for Independent Living near you, refer to the Arizona Statewide Independent Living Council website.
Social Security benefits for adults who:
- Became disabled before turning 22, and
- Have a parent who died or who gets retirement or SSDI benefits.
Formerly known as "Disabled Adult Child" (DAC) benefits.
Assuming they meet all other eligibility criteria, U.S. citizens and Qualified Aliens (inlcuding those who meet I-551 or I-94 status) are eligible for both Social Security and state public benefits programs.
Legal residents who don't have I-551 or I-94 status may be eligible for some state programs, but not for Social Security programs. This could include Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs), refugees, asylees, conditional entrants, people certified as victims of trafficking, certain people whose immigration status is pending, people under Temporary Protected or Family Unity Beneficiary Status, Lawful Temporary Residents, applicants for asylum, people who have been granted or are applying for withholding of removal, and all other people with a lawfully residing immigrant status.
People who are undocumented or non-immigrants are eligible for fewer programs.
The amount of income that Social Security or the state counts when figuring out if you qualify for benefits and, if so, the level of benefits you should get. Not all of your income counts.
Example: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) counts most unearned income, but a bit less than half of earned income. So, if you have $500 in unearned income and $500 in earned income, your countable income for SSI would be just $697.50, even though your total income would be $1,000. Other programs, such as disability-based AHCCCS and Medicare Savings Programs often use calculations similar to SSI's.
This is an amount that is deducted from your countable gross income. If you qualify for (or get) SNAP, you will get the Dependent Care Deduction when you pay for the care of a dependent child or someone who is incapacitated.
An agency ruling that your disability meets the standards set by the Social Security Administration's definition of disability. Your disability must be reviewed and determined to match the SSA definition before you can get certain public benefits. If you're on SSI, SSDI, or any Arizona disability benefits program, you've already been determined disabled.
A division within Arizona’s Department of Economic Stability (DES) that decides whether or not you meet the state criteria for blind or disabled status. The Disability Determination Services Administration uses a standard process to make disability determinations for people with disabilities who either aren't eligible for Social Security benefits such as SSI or SSDI, have an application pending for Social Security benefits, or are in their 5-month waiting period for SSDI.
Contact your local DES/Family Assistance Administration office for more information.
Social Security benefits for adults who:
- Became disabled before turning 22, and
- Have a parent who died or who gets retirement or SSDI benefits.
Also called "Childhood Disability Benefits" (CDB).
Monthly and annual income amounts used to determine financial eligibility for state and federal benefit programs.
Each year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issues the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) in the Federal Register. The current FPG for one person is $15,650 per year; for two people, it's $21,150. Add $5,500 for each additional person.
Some agencies refer to these guidelines as the "Federal Poverty Level (FPL)" or "Federal Poverty Line (FPL)."
Note: Different state and federal programs adopt the new Federal Poverty Guidelines on different dates each year.
Monitoring the activities of a person with cognitive disabilities to assure that they are not a harm to themselves or others.
A household (or budgetary unit) is all of the people living together whose income and resources must be counted to figure out if the household is eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). People who buy and make meals together have to be counted as the same budgetary unit. Certain people may have to be counted as part of the budgetary unit because of their relationship to each other (parents and their children under 22; spouses living together; siblings living together, depending on how old they are.)
You are incapacitated when a legal court finds that you are unable to take care of your essential health and safety needs (such as medical care, clothing, nutrition, and shelter) or financial resources (such as managing your bank account or paying your bills).
KidsCare is Arizona's Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). KidsCare provides health coverage for qualifying Arizona residents who are 18 years old or younger, have limited family income, and are not eligible for AHCCCS health coverage.
An organization that administers health care and long-term care services for the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) and the Arizona Long-Term Care System (ALTCS). Most people who get AHCCCS or ALTCS are assigned a case manager at an MCO. The MCO may decide which doctors a patient may see and which services a patient may use.
A joint federal and state program that provides assistance with medical costs to low income individuals and families. Medicaid programs vary from state to state. The federal Medicaid program is called AHCCCS in Arizona.
Medicare Savings Programs are programs that help people with low income and low resources pay for their Medicare expenses, such as Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B premiums, coinsurance, and deductibles. There are three main Medicare Savings Programs:
The Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program helps people with countable income that’s 100% of FPG or less ($1,305 per month or less if you live alone).
- If you have Original Medicare, QMB helps pay for your Part B and Part A premiums, copayments, and deductibles.
- If you have a Medicare Advantage plan, QMB helps pay your premium, copayments, and deductibles.
- Note: If you qualify for QMB, you also qualify for AHCCCS coverage.
The Specified Low-Income Beneficiary (SLMB) program helps people with countable income that’s more than 100% of FPG, but at or below 120% of FPG ($1,565 per month or less if you live alone).
- If you have Original Medicare, SLMB helps pay for the Part B premium.
- If you have a Medicare Advantage plan, SLMB helps with the premium.
The Qualified Individual-1 (QI-1) program helps people with countable income that’s more than 120% of FPG, but at or below 135% of FPG ($1,761 per month or less if you live alone).
- If you have Original Medicare, QI-1 helps pay for the Part B premium.
- If you have a Medicare Advantage plan, QI-1 helps with the premium.
Medicare Savings Programs are managed by the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS). AHCCCS determines if you are eligible and will help you manage your care. You can apply for an MSP online using Health-e-Arizona or complete the paper MSP application and submit it to your DES/Family Assistance Administration office.
A supplemental insurance policy sold by private insurance companies to fill gaps in the Original Medicare Plan. There are many standardized Medicare supplement plans offered through a number of carriers. You can search for carriers on the website. Medicare supplements are also referred to as "Medigap."
Note: In Arizona, you cannot get a Medigap policy if you are under age 65.
A county-run, federal program that helps people with low incomes buy food. To learn more, go to the Department of Economic Security's Nutrition Assistance website.
Offices with free tools, resources, and services that can help you find employment or training and get help with other work-related needs. They can help you with various things, including:
- Giving you advice about local employers who are hiring
- Teaching you the basics of how to do a job search
- Helping you with your resume
- Practicing job interviews
- Showing you how to use online jobs websites
Find a local ARIZONA@WORK One-Stop Job Center. For online access to Arizona employment services, visit the AZ Job Connection.
A group of specialists at the Social Security Administration (SSA) who review, monitor, and approve Plans to Achieve Self-Support (PASS). They can also help you as you write your plan.
To contact the Phoenix PASS Cadre (serving all of Arizona), call 1-866-331-4359, ext. 12887.
A review done to figure out whether a person qualifies for a benefit.
There are several categories of noncitizens who are considered “qualified aliens.” These people include:
- Afghan and Iraqi special immigrants
- Aliens with deportation or removal withheld
- Amerasian refugees
- American Indians born in Canada
- Asylees
- Battered aliens
- Conditional entrants
- Cuban-Haitian entrants
- Foreign-born members of U.S. Indian Tribes
- Hmong or Laotian Highlanders
- Lawful permanent residents
- Parolees for at least one year
- Victims of trafficking
Note that not all qualified aliens can get full AHCCCS coverage.
Most nonqualified aliens are people who were admitted to the United States for a limited period of time, such as foreign students, visitors for business or pleasure, and temporary workers. They do not qualify for any form of AHCCCS coverage.
Undocumented aliens are people in the U.S. without the permission of the U.S. government. They cannot get full AHCCCS coverage, but may qualify for emergency services.
Agencies to which you need to report any changes in your income or living situation, if you get public benefits.
If you're on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 or 1-800-325-0778 (TTY), or visit your local Social Security office, and ask what's the best way for you to report. Note: Reporting rules for SSI and SSDI are different and if you get both benefits, you must report income for them separately.
If you're on AHCCCS or any other state program, like TANF Cash Assistance or Nutrition Assistance, report online or contact your local DES/Family Assistance Administration office.
Resources are cash or property that you own, can convert to cash, or can use to support yourself. Savings accounts, checking accounts, stocks, and bonds are a few examples of resources. The home you live in and the car you drive to work are exempt under most Social Security and state disability benefit programs. For Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the first $100,000 in an ABLE account is not counted as resources. For AHCCCS, Nutrition Assistance, and some other programs, none of the money in an ABLE account is counted.
Also called "assets."
An exclusion that allows most students to work without their SSI benefit decreasing. The SEIE lets you keep the first $2,350 in earnings each month without affecting the countable earned income calculation. But there is an annual cap of $9,460, so if you earn more than this in any given year, the income starts counting again.
A county-run, federal program that helps people with low incomes buy food. Called Nutrition Assistance in Arizona. Formerly called Food Stamps.
A Social Security Administration program that gives cash benefits to people with disabilities who have limited income and resources. The amount you get in SSI benefits is based on your financial need and your living situation. The maximum monthly SSI benefit is $967 for individuals and $1,450 for eligible couples.
This is the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) office that handles health care for people with disabilities who do not get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) cash benefits.
If you have a disability and don’t get SSI cash benefits, you can apply for AHCCCS coverage at your local DES/Family Assistance Administration office. If you do not qualify for one of the AHCCCS programs through DES, your application may be referred to SSI-MAO, who will contact you in order to complete your application. You can also choose to apply for AHCCCS directly through the SSI-MAO office. For more information, call SSI-MAO at 1-602-417-5010.
If you have a disability and get SSI benefits, you will get AHCCCS benefits automatically and do not need to apply separately.
This is Arizona's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program (sometimes called "welfare-to-work"). It provides cash assistance to low income families with children, and also helps with job training and finding employment.
TANF used to be called "Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)."
A person who is:
- Born in one of the 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, or Swain’s Island
- Born outside of the U.S. to at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen
- Granted citizenship status by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
When applying for benefits, contact the agency you are applying to to find out what documents are acceptable for proving citizenship.
A Work Incentive Consultant is a trained expert who can help you understand Social Security work incentives, disability benefit programs, and how they are impacted by work. Their goal is to help you avoid complications while developing a sustainable financial plan for your future.
You can contact Benefits 2 Work Arizona to find a Work Incentive Consultant serving your community. They specialize in working with employed or soon to be employed people who get Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and related programs.
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1-866-304-WORK (9675)
A Work Incentive Consultant is a trained expert who can help you understand Social Security work incentives, disability benefit programs, and how they are impacted by work. Their goal is to help you transition to work and make a sustainable financial plan for your future.
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